
AFSCME Council 5 offers three scholarships: two for high school seniors just beginning their higher education, and one for members continuing their own education.

Download the 2018 Scholarships letter and application.

Richard E. Patterson Scholarship: The Richard Patterson Scholarship was established in 1989 to honor the memory of the devoted union activist who was a leader of City of St. Paul Local 1842 and who was the first Treasurer of old AFSCME Council 14. The scholarship is designed to assist the children of Council 5 members who wish to attend an accredited post-secondary Minnesota or Wisconsin institution. An applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a member in good standing of a local union represented by AFSCME MN Council 5. They must be a 2018 graduating high school senior planning to enter college in 2018. Winners will be selected by lot. Only one application per person is allowed. A winner and an alternate will be drawn by lot at the May, 2018 Chair Officers meeting. The $1,000 award will be presented at the 2018 AFSCME MN Council 5 Convention, September 29, 2018 in Bloomington, MN.

Clarence J. Moss Scholarship: The Clarence J. Moss Scholarship was established in 1983 to honor the longtime activist union member from Local 1011. It is designed to assist the children of Council 5 members who will enter a Minnesota public institution of higher learning. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors, the child or dependent of an AFSCME MN Council 5 member in good standing, and planning to enter college in 2017. A typewritten 500-word essay on the theme, “What AFSCME MN Council 5 Means to Our Family”, must accompany the application. The winner will be chosen by a three-member panel. The $500 award will be presented at the 2018 AFSCME MN Council 5 Convention, September 29, 2018 in Bloomington, MN.

Robert Norberg Scholarship: The Robert Norberg Scholarship was created to honor the memory and accomplishments of Bob Norberg, longtime AFSCME member and staff representative, who passed away in 1998. It is designed for use by adult members of Council 5 working to continue their education at Minnesota public institutions of higher learning. Applicants must be members in good standing of local unions represented by AFSCME MN Council 5, either: currently a member for at least six months, a member laid off within the last six months, a retired member, or a member on disability. Two (2) winners will be selected by lot, by the wife and children of Bob Norberg. Two $250 awards will be presented at the 2018 AFSCME MN Council 5 Convention, September 29, 2018 in Bloomington, MN.

If interested in applying for one of the scholarships offered, fill out and return this scholarship form.

The deadline for applications for Patterson, Moss and Norberg scholarships is Friday, May 11, 2018.

Other AFSCME Scholarships

Visit AFSCME International’s scholarship page for information on other various scholarship programs available to AFSCME members, staff, and their families. The application processes and deadlines differ for each  program.

Union Plus Scholarship
Provides awards of up to $4,000 for union members or family members pursuing a trade, technical, college or university education. Application deadline: Jan. 31.

Gerald W. McEntee Scholarship
A one-time, $5,000 scholarship for an AFSCME member who best exemplifies a commitment to strengthening our union through organizing, building political power for working families, defending workers’ rights, and supporting public services. Application deadline: Jan. 31

Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to two students in AFSCME families who are currently sophomores majoring in social sciences. Winners receive $5,000 per year for their junior and senior years of study, as well as an opportunity to intern with the International Union’s Political Action Department. Application deadline: May 30.

William Lucy Labor Scholarship
This annual scholarship covers tuition and housing for a rank-and-file AFSCME leader accepted into the six-week Harvard Trade Union Program. Application deadline: Nov. 15

AFSCME Family Scholarship
Available to children and financially dependent grandchildren of AFSCME members. Scholarships of $2,000 each are awarded to graduating high school seniors and can be renewed annually for a maximum of four years. Application Deadline: Dec. 31.

Nellie Stone Johnson Scholarship
The renewable scholarship provides financial assistance to union members of color and their families who are pursuing an education at one of Minnesota’s state colleges and universities. Application deadline: June 1

Minnesota AFL-CIO
The Minnesota AFL-CIO sponsors scholarships for high school seniors graduating in 2017. The application deadline is April 30. Eligible candidates  must:

  • Be a union member or a dependent of a union member whose local union is affiliated with the Minnesota AFL-CIO (AFSCME Council 5 is affiliated)
  • Have a straight “B” average or better
  • Attend a post-secondary institution located within the state of Minnesota

The Minnesota AFL-CIO also offers Labor Leadership grants for current union members working to improve their leadership skills through classes, programs or conferences, and a Martin Duffy Adult Learner Scholarship, which is a $500 grant for pursuing further education at any accredited university, college or vocational school. Click here to download an informational packet and scholarship application.