Hey folks. A few of our activists have shared some deeply personal and scary physical traumas in the past week or so. And within each, there's an a
Hey folks.
A few of our activists have shared some deeply personal and scary physical traumas in the past week or so. And within each, there’s an appreciation for our health insurance.
So let’s talk about some of our benefits so that you can make use of them! You can use many of them without needing an extreme cause, okay?
Flexible Spending Accounts – you can now use your FSA for bandages, menstruation products, OTC meds.
Trade Time for Fitness (TTFF) – you can trade your PTO/Sick time for health/exercise-related purchases, including helmets and the portion you pay for a gym membership.
Health incentive for going to the gym! – most gyms work with our insurance so that if you go 12x in a month, our insurance will pay a portion of your monthly dues.
Employee Assistance Program – Sand Creek is a free service that is commonly used for mental health resources, but they can often get free referrals and consultations for a wide variety of things, such as financial counseling, lawyers, will or end of life planning for yourself or a loved one. All you have to do is call and say, “Hey, I have something that is bugging me, and I need some help with X” and they will guide the conversation from there.
What would you add to this list? Comment below or send me a message at Christina.Eichorn@hennepin.us
Love you, and thankful that you are here.
Christina Eichorn
Chief Steward